Emerald Carrying Company is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for our employees, customers, contractors, visitors and members of the public. The company also recognises its legal obligations and responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of all people throughout our operations and accordingly, we will always strive to improve the standard of health and safety by only accepting a culture of nil harm, best practice and continuous improvement.
Emerald Carrying Company is committed to operating its business where the risk of harm to people, property and the environment is either eliminated or reduced to as low as reasonably possible. To achieve this Emerald Carrying Company developed its organisation around the Heath, Safety, Security and Environment management system which is infused throughout the organisation. The company has a full time workplace health & safety officer and two full time driver trainers who are available to all employees, customers and contractors providing, guidance and information while keeping the focus on the company’s HSSE Plan.
The commitment and structure ensures the company can meet or exceed all HSSE legal requirements and the company’s Health and Safety and Environment policies. The companies HSSE Management System provides all employees with a continually improving safe system of work which will preclude harm to people, property or the environment. Emerald Carrying Company provides all staff with appropriate health, safety and environmental policies, guidance material, documentation, procedures and training to ensure that our business meets its health, safety & environmental obligations and our target of ‘NIL HARM’.